Want to make a booking?
How to get to Solscape
Solscape is 6 kilometres (around 5 minutes drive) from the township of Raglan. If you are travelling by bus check here for timetables. If you are coming from Auckland or Hamilton Airport we recommend the local Raglan Shuttle. If you need assistance in booking a ride with the Raglan Shuttle we are happy to help.
We also provide a pick up service from Raglan. Just let us know at least 24 hours in advance.
Do you have more questions or special requirements?
If you have more questions that are not answered on the website, or need help designing your unique Solscape experience, just send us an email, include your phone number and we can call you to answer your questions and help you make your booking.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and can’t wait to welcome you to Solscape!
611 Wainui Road
Raglan 3297